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Seems like most young people my age like to club

Do I like to dance? Yes.

Do I like to dance with friends in a controlled environment? Yes.

Do I like to club or the atmosphere of late night parties? No.

Unfortunately for me it seems like my preferences limit the amount of people my age I can hang out with. And ultimately leads to me going to places I really don't want to.

I think from now on I'm going to make a point not to go to clubs anymore. Idc. I'll only do things _I_ like from now on.
eyeno · M
Like I told my son in high school being that he felt shunned/isolated from the group (he was sad).
I said,"Its better to lead than follow".

He asked me why?.
I said,"its easier when you lead, you do things you want to do and think".
When you follow, you end up doing things that might not be what you want to do, or goes against your beliefs or morals (getting into trouble, etc.,).

From that day on noticed he walked around more confident and happier through-out his high school years
Lilnonames · F
@eyeno been like that the last year since they took e p groups away and put in the fucked up updates and put an automated flagging system in. I'll b leaving as well got four more months and my vip runs out I'm gone
eyeno · M
@Lilnonames awww..dont say that,thing s might change,they always do. Waaa..,

Lilnonames · F
@eyeno nope e p groups are gone and they won't bring back like they won't delete down vote. It will only get worse here
LadyGrace · 70-79
I think you're one smart dude. 😂

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