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A look inside my mind

Do you want to know what is the most heart breaking thing?
Knowing the truth of how someone is and no one else seeing it. - now, before you come at me like “maybe you’re the problem” stop. I’m an observer. I notice things around me. - i was once naive but the world showed me how irresponsible it is to be that way. I have put my faith in people who left me higher and dryer than I ever though possible. What pains me the most though is how they are able to charm their way through it all. I was once told by someone “if I’d have known . . . I would have never taken that step.” That’s something that has stuck with me throughout time. You didn’t know, because either you didn’t care to learn and listen or you didn’t want to ask.
Your actions have a domino effect. Are you going to be the reason someone struggles or the reason someone flourishes.

I keep my guard up for longer now when I meet new people & I truly don’t let many in due to this. Call me stupid, but it’s what this life has done to me.
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ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Have you heard of Cassandra... One of the daughters of the king of Troy?

The gods have her the gift of premonition.... But cursed her in that no one would ever believe her ...

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