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Hutchman · 41-45, M
True dat. Easier said than done. Whe n you are at the bottom its harder to justify those words. Its how you pick yourself up that counts.
toysoldier · 26-30, F
You are right.. I never said it was easy , but it is worth it.

Someguy8844 · 46-50, M
Very well said. Reading this reminds me I should stop surfing this entertaining site and should be working on making my passion a reality. I've failed enough that hopefully I can stand up on the carcasses of my fallen hopes and proceed forward with a smile knowing I've already failed and survived. The only thing left in my journey is to succeed. Sorry for the tangent, but your post just inspired me :)
toysoldier · 26-30, F
well I am glad , you should always keep trying..
UnderTheBridge · 51-55, M
So long as you are prepared for the consequences of failures.
PsychoMantis · 31-35, M
Define success.
Capricorn · 46-50, M
Very well said 🙂

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