Easier said than done I know, but the best way to get the focus off yourself is to concentrate on others. Through things like volunteering. I’d imagine that there are all kinds of organizations and charities looking for help and by helping others you will hopefully build self esteem and confidence.
Also, think about things you really enjoy doing and look for groups in your area that could bring you together with like minded people. That should help alleviate some of the pressure of socializing because there’s a built-in interest in common. Even online groups could be a start to getting out of your own head and your own way.
Of course you should keep up with your counseling and medications. Vital components in improving your mental health.
And finally, if I might make one more suggestion. I’d stop with the constant “do you want to chat, anyone want to chat, I really need to chat.” I understand that you oftentimes feel needy and desperate and once in a while it’s okay to make that request. But on a consistent basis, I get the feeling that your neediness and desperation are keeping people away.
If you’re truly in crisis by all means call a crisis hotline or your therapist for suggestions and support. You deserve peace and happiness and I wish you the very best.