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I Want More Self-confidence

I used to feel this way and I used to have very low confidence in myself. I refused to talk to anyone, I refused to include myself in anyone's conversations and anyone's parties. I was the wallflower that stayed silent. my family hardly knew who I was inside because I never spoke. I walked with arms crossed and anger in my eyes hoping no one would mess with me, wearing all black hoping to make people go away. I even went so far once as to growl at a bully and threaten to eat their soul so they would leave me alone. I never thought it was an issue, I had been raised to enjoy being by myself, with having an abusive older brother and a depressed mother, and a working father. it was not until I started making friends that I saw the light of the issue. because even though I had the friends I still felt awkward talking. and being included.

I never thought I would open my shell... until I became a cashier at Wal-Mart. doing my job has taught me to smile at anyone who passes, to say hello to everyone to tl every single person good morning. to help anyone that needed help and to speak for once and have the confidence to not be shy and to have a conversation with someone I never met. it's allowed me to open my shell to family as well, they finally really know me. everyone knows me now instead of trying tp guess what I am thinking, I'm saying it. so I urge you to force yourself or find something that forces you to be more confident in life. it will permanently change your entire existence
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My shyness extended into my thirties, when I was an accountant, and married. I always had a fearful look on my face, so people always left me notes instead of approaching my desk. It wasn't until I got a job as a salesman in the hardware department of Home Depot. I had to meet someone every minute for two ten hour days on top of my other job, and made myself do it. I was in a lot better physical shape, as there was a lot heavy lifting, and my life at the office got a lot easier, and in general as I had all these new social skills. I am in training to change professions, but I still have a part time retail job and may always have that so I can keep my edge. It's a great thing, and makes me happy.
catalinabunny · 26-30, F
yay :)
I wish I could but I can't open up. I'm too shy.
They won't understand. They think I'm gay because of what I like.
This may be your calling. Don't give up on ufcmaniac.
Please, have faith. Someday life will turn around for you. Please pay attention, someone will shine through the crowd that does not understand.
The low self esteem is the reason for which many people feel like that. In order to have more self-confidence we need to know our qualities and defects. Being aware of our strong points and weaknsesses we will know exactly what can we do or not. An ancient quote by Socrate " Know thyself !" (Nosce te ipsum!) keeps its actuality nowadays. . If you know thyself you will be more confident because nobody can influence you! Even there are many issues in your family or friendships you will have the power to get over.
Great story. It's great to realize how
Many good people are out there. I'm glad you are happy
if you want to increase confidence you should know the knowledge of your work and keep practice
And your confidence will grow as you get more experience now that you broke thru!

You really like daddy daughter and other things? Message me.

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