Good morning to all. I wonder how many realize that God has a plan for their life.
When you're constantly focused on the past, it affects your present. We're really not meant to live in the past. We're not going that way. We must focus on one day at a time and not get ahead of ourselves, yet look forward to new opportunities and goals.
Though it's not easy, letting go of the past, frees you to receive what God has for you and align yourself with His will. It enables you to get back on track and move forward. I always remind myself that "if it's gonna be, it's up to me. " However that includes praying to God about the matter and allowing him to lead and give me direction and wise counsel. I never leave him out of my plans. He is far wiser than I. God is interested in our plans and wants us to have the best outcome possible. He always has our best interest at heart and I'm very grateful for that.
God has a plan for our lives, but it's up to us to seek it out and follow it. He will open new doors for you and give you great ideas. He will speak to your heart and mind and you will feel the peace that comes from seeking his guidance. It won't feel like you're going against the grain. If it feels peaceful in your heart, then you will know it is from God. It won't feel like a struggle. We do know the difference between right and wrong and what makes our spirit feel at peace. It won't feel like you're forcing something. Good things from God never feel that way.