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The Last 7 years, This Is What You Are Beginning To See Worldwide

wildbill83 · 36-40, M
I'm ready, are you?

the world could end tomorrow, would make no difference to me; there's nothing binding me to this world; There's certainly nothing in this life worth holding onto so much that I'd miss out on the next...

I sure am …but you see Bill, Christians are called to witness. In fact Scripture teaches us to go to the highways and hedges and compel them to come.

Luke 14:23
King James Version
23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Hence I try to warn people that the end is near. Everything that is happening today is in line with the scriptures (as He told us they would be) so I’m not sure why anyone would be offended at the warning…

I think all Christians witness to people and tell them what the word of God says!

Btw, the seven years of Great Tribulation is all found in the Bible…. And I don’t plan on being here. Hope you’re not either!

You see it’s not just us personally we should be ‘concerned’ about but all we come in contact with…each soul is more precious than this whole world that will pass way but souls will live forever whether in a hell that was created for the devil and his angels or with Jesus…

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