You know you're in college when you've been woken up to the sound of your roommate drunkenly puking...
Well I have my own room. I lucked out and got the double to myself. But it's apartment style and there's another room connected to a common space. That room is also a double. Her physical roomie isn't home. But I woke up to the sound of some weird sound I couldn't tell was part of my dream or not. I went to the bathroom and she was on the floor of her room, door open, puking into a trashcan. She already had her brother and a friend there with her, so I just decided to go back to sleep after using the bathroom. This was about two hours ago. I think she's probably asleep now, but she's gonna feel that in the morning. I'm sure this isn't the first time this as happened to her. You'd think some people would know their limits and learn after the first time. But I was having wonderful dreams about my ideal politics, and then I cannot get the image of her on the floor with her head over a trashcan out of my head. o_o plz bring back that Marxist dream I was having. O___O #college