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INFP and MBTI desc<x>riptions are a little BS... I'd take it with a grain of salt. I mean INFPs and NFs are not some sort of saints that can do no wrong.
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Yeah, because you're INTP. INTP's weak spot is outward emotional expression... If an INFP points that out, then you'll get hurt... But if you point out an INFP about factual mistakes, then he'll get hurt...
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
I can't stand ISFP types, though. xD And yeah.
I don't have an emotional weakness, though. I *can* feel emotion. I have absolutely no need of expressing it, though. The only emotion that I feel in extreme is anger. xD
My mom's an ESFP. Complete opposite of me. Her and I don't get along well. She is the *polar opposite* of me. xD
I don't have an emotional weakness, though. I *can* feel emotion. I have absolutely no need of expressing it, though. The only emotion that I feel in extreme is anger. xD
My mom's an ESFP. Complete opposite of me. Her and I don't get along well. She is the *polar opposite* of me. xD
Well theoretically, INTP and ESFP would get along, if you had typed her correctly... But you would absolutely crash with ESFJs. ENFJs would bug you like crazy, but ENFJs won't be affected (think of someone like Bono). It's the same with ENTJs and INFPs...
INTJ. It fits but I throttle back to INTP when not stressed.
Well, there you go.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
xD I become quite a bìtch when I'm angry. xD Well
Well, I'm sure I'm a bigger bastard when I'm angry. The only thing that gets me angry is evil, though.
mine was the rarest of them all intj I believe. sadly it fit me to a tee.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
INTJs seem to be slightly more common than INTPs. INTJs typically turn more to the business fields, while INTPs turn more to the science fields. I *rarely* see any INTPs, but I run into several INTJs. xD
like I said I don't really remember but I know the test site said it was the rarest of them all.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Hehehe perhaps. But from my personal experiences, I see a lot of INTJs xD
I'm an ENFJ. I used to think I was an INFJ...but I'm not an introvert at all. ENFJ fits me very well too. lol
I'm an INFP bordering on ISFP and yes
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
I have some J type qualities :P
I just... I don't understand F types. xD
I just... I don't understand F types. xD
We just have a lot of feelinz :')
INTP, perfectly.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Yay, another INTP ^_^
They say INTP females are rarest type. :3
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Eh? xD I'm a to-the-core INTP person xD
ENTP... Fits me well, I think
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Like Ben Franklin :P
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Hmm... I always wondered what it would be like to be an "S" type. Moreso, I couldn't imagine life as an "F" type. Would be so boring and stupid for me to be all about "feels" and not about logic. xD
I border on I and N so I can switch. Also, your type can change over time with experience. The test is not like some psychological tests such as the MMPI which stays consistent. We are all unique. How boring if we were all the same.
INTP as well