What are the signs of pneumonia?
I' ve been painfully coughing a lot lately, often accompanied by greenish phlegm. I feel unusually fatigued, and slightly more out of breath than usual. I feel slightly dizzy quite often, and I just feel generally uneasy. I feel a little dizzy, but I don't think I have a fever. I have a tic in my right eye, but I think that's sleep deprivation... kept awake by the cpugh. My throat is really itchy, which makes me want to cough more, but I don't feel pain if I inhale deeply or anything. My lungs feel slightly burning, and things feel rather constricted. I have AP exams and EOCs and finals coming up soon, so if this is pnrumonia (or whatever it is) is there any quick remedy to alleviatethe pain? Cough medicine doesn't work.