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I seriously think I'm Bipolar Type II. Do you have it?

I'm on the "depression" side of the cycle again. Usually it lasts about three weeks, and comes in short bursts of extreme torpor (like revving a car on park--no matter how much I rev the car, it doesn't go anywhere), and just a general state of relative lowness. The "manic" stages aren't that intense, but usually I'm unrealistically optimistic. This continues sinusoidally with a period of six weeks--three weeks depression, three weeks mania, and there's a greater variation in intensity over a period of three months--three months more generally happy, and three months more generally down (thinking of Fourier transforms now). Ugh, I'm not sure whether the intense lows are a product of my ADHD medication (I think it's Concerta), or if it's a product of this bipolarism. Either way, I feel so bleh lately... x.x
Problems of intelligence....
I have the autism gene and that counteracts all these I think.
You will be fine..Don't worry,Bi polar can be beaten. Medication and introspection..
Like you said,,"I remind myself that..."
Self awareness will help you.
The universe isn't all mathematics you know...Psychology and Biology is omnipresent.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
Universe IS all math:
I'Thats funny.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
It's true :P
I am bipolar. I refuse to take any meds because the last ones seriously made me want to kill myself. Most days suck. I tend to get more of the depression and less of the mania.
not sure. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a form of bipolar. I would even bet most of the EP community has it, but don't realize it.
Get diagnosed by a professional.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
What I plan to do.
Btw it probably is your ADHD meds. Those are amphetamines.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
I speak math, not chemistry or biology. xD
Have to had any violent outburst, which required the assistance of law enforcement.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
No, but I've come *this* close to doing something that would have. Then I remind myself that any action of the sort would compromise my standings at colleges, so I restrain myself.

Sometimes I'm frozen in anger, and then release it by destroying stuff. Then I construct elaborate and extremely violent murder fantasies. Hehehehe...
It's highly likely that I have it
anyway you sound cute.
Maybe I am.

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