Did you know that the pentagram was originally NOT a Satanist symbol?
In fact, it originates 300 years before Christianity even began. The Pythagorean Brotherhood were, in layman's terms, math-worshippers. Their symbol was the pentagram as it highly conformed to the Golden Ratio (a very naturally occurring proportion equal to 1:[(1+√5)/2] or about 1.61803), both canonically and recursively (inscribing another pentagram into the inner pentagon such that the points of the star touch the vertices of the inner pentagon infinitely many times with the next pentagon). The Pythagoreans (run by, of course, Pythagoras), were highly advanced mathematicians (in fact, members were referred to as mathematikoi, which is where we get our word mathematician from today) that, while by today's standards were rather bonkers, have greatly contributed to art, science, and mathematics. The pentagram was originally a symbol of math-worship, not devil worship, though some of you, unfortunately, think it's one of the same. If so, you don't know what real math is :P