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what celebrity people say you look like?

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I get shawn from boy meets world all the time. and my cousin is ryan nugent hopkins so people say i look like him. but i dont see it. and they wouldnt if they didnt know we were related
ladysaya · 36-40, F
CHER <<<<<<<<<<
ladysaya · 36-40, F
@LamontCranston 😉💋
@ladysaya Thank You kindly.
ladysaya · 36-40, F
@LamontCranston anytime love
Resoner · 31-35, M
My old classmate did say I resemble Bruce Wayne ..
My whole class ended up calling my Bruce for the remaining 3 years :P
used to be a younger Mike Piazza, the former baseball player or Cesar Rojas , from the band Los Lobos
Onision, even though I don't think he counts as a real celebrity.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
Either Jack Black or Chris Farley.
A cross between Frank Zappa Howard Stern and a dash mind you a dash of Tiny Tim
Larry the Cable Guy
Stephen Dorff
Scott wolf
Number5 · 26-30, M
Sponge Bob
walabby · M
Kali muscle
You look like that dog on the Paris Hilton show a few years back.

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