Inflation my friend, but thankfully I think prices should go down when fuel prices get cheaper which they will soon.

i dont pay attention to prices. im american. i can afford whatever it is they're charging, i'm sure.

Well, I'm almost 70, and food has been going up since I began noticing about 60 years ago.

I agree completely how can anyone survive on these prices

It's barbaric
Paul62 · 56-60
Know what you mean?

no its nt just no

Chicken, and turkey has risen due to the avian flu outbreak..2.5 months ago... Do you people not read news?
They had to slaughter millions of chickens & turkeys, and they may not have turkeys for Thanksgiving..
They had to slaughter millions of chickens & turkeys, and they may not have turkeys for Thanksgiving..
ladysaya · 36-40, F
yeah and cows and chickens , i wonder when in the year 2525..... i now i be died by that time lol,, but what the wtf are they gonna eat rocks ,, i think they dont eat ....back in that time they might be human robot ,, just killing people .. god know