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i wanna know more about christian. chat with me. female only.

there's always going to be something "wrong" with any systematic religion. and people who will fight for both sides. debates about any religious topic or faith is something I try to stay away from. offense is very easily taken to almost any opinion. why not try spirituality? you can still believe in a higher power without resigning yourself to one structured belief system.
iChange · 26-30, F
I agree. some people use the religion for themselves. that's is why offensive and Hurst exist in it.
if you/we do it honestly, not to put our ego up headed, then everything will be OK.

plus, problems, critism and suggestions can be solved.
I was raised and baptised a Catholic. but I rarely accept the practises of my religion. I'm a native American woman so I like the idea more of doing things in a spiritual way. like using sweetgrass & going to sweats etc. but I also incorporate some Catholic practices and read the bible. your religious/spiritual journey is your own. design however you wish.
iChange · 26-30, F
oh. i see :)
so did you believe in Jesus?
It's a horrible disfiguring disease that will poison your mind and body and sap any confidence you ever had in yourself. Especially as a woman.
iChange · 26-30, F
look at it is God or not that you believe. I believe in Allah for so long and I can't stop. because Allah is the only God that actually exist. the real one. the one that always listen.

themarvelousme, it is really hard to practice Islam. but I knew, it always been hard to be good when the world is harsh.
Well, then it comes down, can you believe in something make believe and be happy doing that. I cannot. The lack of evidence for a god is astounding, powerful and a potent reminder of how easily our minds can be swayed to believe the ridiculous.
iChange · 26-30, F
guess what? I tested it. whether Allah listen to me or not.

like, "Allah, please send my mother to my room. please. if you listen. am I wrong?" well, I do it when I when really afraid in the midnight. and it happens. my mother really comes, she look confused.

and the I try and try again. why bother to believe when you never try it.

but, if you wanna do the same. behave. never insults.

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