It's a small part of it, our whole system is the reason, where we are all broken down to fill our selected "niches" in life. We are pushed towards being part of a machine from a young age. It goes against our very self worth that this takes place. That doesn't make one feel good about themselves! :(

No. Too much easy access to see the excesses that others may have, and that makes a person feel less about themselves.

yes comparing yourself to.others on Fb, abuse on.media sites, exploitation and grooming of young people on.these sites etc. I'm not saying it's all bad but it happens.

Yes. Even most photos online have some form of editing. It sets an unachievable form of beauty for people.


Yes. I didn't really feel insecure about my eyebrow until I saw a Twitter account basically makin fun of girls with thick eyebrows :/