Yes. I was in jail at 15 looking back i think it was because my dad died and lost my guidance. Ended up addicted to drugs. Ive been clean for years and living a perfectly normal life.

It is possible if the person really wants to change.

Some can seems like most don't

I was going to say yes until I read the rest. I think former abusers can change if they make an effort to. On their own, probably not. Narcissists and sociopaths don't think they have a problem, so they definitely won't change on their own. Sociopaths don't have consciences, and narcissists things the world revolves around them.
OkamiLeilah · 36-40, F
do you think they can wake up to what they do and then make the choice to change those ways of thinking?

True narcissists and sociopaths? No, because it's their brain chemistry. Narcissism and sociopathic behaviors are DSM V diagnosable disorders. If I'm not mistaken they can't be treated either, just maintained. Abuse is a learned behavior, whether from being abused in the past themselves or witnessing it. It's not in their brain chemistry, they weren't born that way, so I think they can be changed, but not on their own. They need therapy, etc etc