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Should the pro-terrorist lobby CAIR dictate who's fit to run for US president?

Since Carson and you clearly don't understand the first amendment or Article Six, paragraph 3, Maybe you're the ones not fit to decide who should uphold the Constitution and the Bill of rights.
No. I stand up for it a lot. Maybe you missed my stumping for the first ten amendments to it, as well as the 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 26th.
Carson has not made any statement in regard to the Constitutionality of a Muslim becoming and serving as president. Carson answered a question with a statement of his own opinion. Carson is not a Constitutional scholar, thank God. The one we have had for the last seven years has done his utmost to shred the US Constitution in every way possible. Carson certainly is allowed to have and to express his personal opinion on such a matter.
"Carson answered a question with a statement of his own opinion." Yeah, and it was bigoted. "Carson said, "I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation," Carson said. "I absolutely would not agree with that."" ( ) Gee it certainly sounds like he said, "No I wouldn't advocate for a muslim to be put in chareg of this nation....Probably because that's EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID. "The one we have had for the last seven years has done his utmost to shred the US Constitution in every way possible." Name ONE thing he has done that is against the constitution. And the Federal gov overturning gay marriage state bans doesn't count because the Federal government overrules and supersedes state level government. That's ALSO in the constitution Article Six Clause 2. "Carson certainly is allowed to have and to express his personal opinion on such a matter." Yep, and everyone who disagrees with him is 100% within their rights to say so and claim he's bigoted. He's backpedaling now because he figured he'd get away with it and gain popularity. Just as when Trump said of Carly Fiorina " Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?". He knew what he said, and we all knew what he meant. More to the point, Muslim does NOT mean ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST anymore than Christian means KKK Member.

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