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Should Obama go to Oregon to grandstand when the Oregonians would rather he stay away?

What is grandstanding about paying respects to those viciously gunned down by a deranged individual who took advantage of our toothless gun laws? If I had a loved one who died so needlessly, I'd be honored to have our President pay condolences and offer reasonable direction for the future.
What you might regard as pontification, I, judging from the President's remarks in Newtown, CT and Charleston, SC as true eloquence--heartfelt sympathy for the families of those who died in senseless tragedies and imploring his fellow citizens to stand with him in finding ways to present these mass killings which continue to plague our nation. If you want to call a twice-elected President (by electoral AND popular vote) a politician, then do so, but remember that he is not seeking election or re-election but trying in his final years to a path of civility and less violence.
Take note that there have been more gun killings in 0bama's old stomping grounds of Chicago in the last month than there have been mass shootings all year yet he has been silent on them - perhaps because he can't cant make any political points from them.
Would you feel the same if it were 2007 and it was Bush that was coming to take advantage of the situation? I doubt it.
Chicago has not been the site off a mass shooting, but it is a good example of guns getting into the hands of the wrong people. It's another reason. why the President is trying to guide us to stricter gun laws. Forget Bush. He was a tool of the NRA.
0bama's using the tragedy in Roseberg to push his own political agenda while the bodies were still warm was despicable, to compound this disrespect by coming to Oregon to stand on the bodies of the dead and further his political ambitions is unacceptable.
What political ambitions? He's not running for office. He was elected twice and can't run again. And since does trying to prevent senseless, mass shootings become part of a political agenda>
His knee jerk reaction was to use the tragedy to call for disarming the victims, How is his feel good rhetoric not a political agenda?
I'm an Oregonian. We are all Americans and enjoy the rights of our Constitution of the Founding Fathers of this Nation, including the 2nd amendment. Of course Obama isn't welcome here
It's not in his nature to. Now if they draw a "red line" he might .
You just speak for everybody, don't you?

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