it would be Same, and I'd create an empire of driders and giant tarantulas that had telekinesis
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only one type?
LoveIsInTheBlood · 26-30
Well some are cute like the male Peacock spider but others.... shivers...??
I think all jumping spiders are adorable tbfh
LoveIsInTheBlood · 26-30
My goddess name would be Nyx Lunar.. I would reign over everything that falls under the night. Night owls would be my followers for I would grant them special privileges under my light on the condition that the day dwellers are unaware of their privileges. Children would be under my protection. Maidens would be safe from the lustful and also innocent men as well. If you murder without good cause under my light you would be punished harshly... My loyalest of followers would become minor Gods in my service if they so wish or eternal life in a paradise of their choosing...
If I were a god my name would the same as my name Irl, Mackenzie and I would use my powers to end wars and create peace.
I am the Holy lord of Game Consoles: The great Atari. All those who worship me infront of their TVs wont get sore eyes and will be granted an extra life and bonus levels.
LoveIsInTheBlood · 26-30
lol XD
I would be Hecate and I would make everyone some nice food
It would be Xenia Onatopp and all capitalists and billionaires beware!
Ahaha this is a throwback xD
LoveIsInTheBlood · 26-30
How so.?
I used to have the pen name 'Adonis' and now realize how conceited I must've appeared :l
probably have something to do with my therian shaman identity idk... be a little gay ass flowery death beast god of the marshes and rivers
my name would be Henry the god of Ohio and nobody would worship me because nobody cares about surf scene in Ohio so I'd pretty much do everything I do now except a little more holy...
my name would be Henry the god of Ohio and nobody would worship me because nobody cares about surf scene in Ohio so I'd pretty much do everything I do now except a little more holy...
LoveIsInTheBlood · 26-30
Make them care... you're a god...
I can't because my devotion would be limited and I would spend most of my godly pawer trying to open packages since I am an animal incarnation and have paws and my reaping powers are useless against food that's already dead and packaging that was never even living... so I'd go around asking for people to open stuff for me in exchange of granting a wish, but being a trickster god I would always leave and anguishing twist in the granting of their wish for them to learn a lesson from... only the people who are humble and sincere and open the package without expecting reward would receive a true gift...
so if you ever see an oddly gay coyote walking around with a bottle of soda you know just to open that shirt and back off... don't hussle for any gifts just let it come as a reward for your good karma and following your dharma
so if you ever see an oddly gay coyote walking around with a bottle of soda you know just to open that shirt and back off... don't hussle for any gifts just let it come as a reward for your good karma and following your dharma
my name would be Gianorma and I would suffocate men using my vajay jay
LoveIsInTheBlood · 26-30
Okay O_O