LOL. And it's not attractive to be irrational as you are. Common sense tends to be the first thing I look for in a man. It's clear you're not either. :D
Answering the question, some are and some aren't. That's fact. Some women enjoy relationships where men are dominant, some believe that men should ALWAYS bee the dominating force, and still some have only known one way of life so they are afraid of trying another. Even more, some women aren't able to work outside of the home, some don't want to, and some believe in a domestic discipline relationship (where the man is usually the HoH).
Was that simple enough for you or did I makes you tinks touse hard? ;D
Answering the question, some are and some aren't. That's fact. Some women enjoy relationships where men are dominant, some believe that men should ALWAYS bee the dominating force, and still some have only known one way of life so they are afraid of trying another. Even more, some women aren't able to work outside of the home, some don't want to, and some believe in a domestic discipline relationship (where the man is usually the HoH).
Was that simple enough for you or did I makes you tinks touse hard? ;D
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MaybeUpForAnything...what a peculiar attitude indeed, seems it's the other way 'round who is pathetic!

oh you haven't heard about empowerment of women!

Easy there Tex! For some women it is their desire to be sub to their man... It certainly is mine. While financially I have become superior , that can't buy me the satisfaction of my big strong man taking care of me. 😉

Eh I don't know what women you have been associating with but in most cases it's the other way around.
MaybeUpForAnything · 41-45, M
sure - whatever you say - just an honest observation!


Oh, Am sorry not all women are like that
MaybeUpForAnything · 41-45, M
abuse of power renders you powerless in the eyes of rational thinkers....

of course we are not men...we are WOMEN

Women DO have half the money and all the pussy... Very powerful indeed!

cause they dont like being independent
MaybeUpForAnything · 41-45, M
rough life I guess - always depending on others......

We all are not
MaybeUpForAnything · 41-45, M
never met you so I couldn't say for sure - but you would be the exception!