Much better as a book. And no-not every woman;s fantasy-but it is for some-others-it is very real. And the movie was mild to them. But it (the book) came out at the right time and caught the imaginations of many- (and many who will NEVER admit it!)
jamieb1221 · 26-30, M
yes i have been told that by three of my friends
It IS a good read. Sylvia Day and Maya Banks write much better-and a lot more.
All my friends pretty much drool over it, so yeah I'd say it's a very common fantasy, probably the most common.
jamieb1221 · 26-30, M
humm interesting can I ask what age group are they
My age, from around 18 to 25. Although I know a lot of older women too.
jamieb1221 · 26-30, M
humm ok then that's interesting to know thanks. is it you're fantastic as well or would you rather not say
That's what I told many people!
That is not my fantasy.
That is not my fantasy.
jamieb1221 · 26-30, M
om then it's good that you kniw what your limits are for that then.
It seems more like torture
jamieb1221 · 26-30, M
well yes at some point it is but it is also the person's limits
BDSM exists.
Damn 10 times bro?
jamieb1221 · 26-30, M
yeah the first two times was in the same day and five after that was in a week of it in cinema and the rest on dvd my girlfriend like it a lot and likes to try some of it out
Christian Gray seems more like a sexually oppressed sociopath to me...
jamieb1221 · 26-30, M
heheh yes he dose but he was a submissive at 15 so would make sense
50 shades is a shite film and even worse book, it in no way shape or form captures any REAL aspects of bdsm, just an outsiders view of it, then glorifies it
jamieb1221 · 26-30, M
ok then that's you're view of it