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What did you think of the new Star Wars movie?

Being a huge fan, I went in with with a healthy dose of anxiety but came out fairly pleased. It was cheesy as ever..pushing the edge really..and riddled with unrealistic shit..but I was happy. Finn and Kilo acted superbly I felt. Spoiler: Snape kills Jar Jar Binks
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it was bittersweet to me. it was fine, but it really didn't feel like a star wars film anymore to me. it felt like a new chapter had begun - which it had, obviously - but it made me realize that we should stop hoping for a new hope and empire strikes back again because they can never be duplicated. one issue with the force awakens is how there is no focus on chewie's reaction after ---'s death. you would think chewie would flip out and start going sauron on every stormtrooper in sight. we barely get any reaction from him at all. odd oversight. eh, oh well.
Yeah someone else mentioned that...idk. Really there was a lot going on. I let it go..but you're right, a bit more was probably warranted.
I can watch Star Wars for the movie and idea.....but I also choose to go to work at the end of the day
The imagination I can deal with....The inception I have yet too see
You should read the books man, infinitely better expanded story than what Disney came up with.
I prefer to live . Walt was VERY cool...
Same I can't wait for next one now. I really want to see more of Kylo and how he develops as a villain. I love that part when he goes mental and the storm troopers are like let's not go that way lol
Yeaaa haha Kilo was great man. They need to branch out more creatively if he doesn't go completely evil I will be highly upset.
I loved it. Only complaint was ----- on screen for only 5 seconds
i don't like star war movies at ALL
Why is that?
creepy fighters
Not worth seeing, just like all the others.

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