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Why is Christian and science hate each other?

I don't get why two things that go hand and hand with each other are so far apart from each other. There is proof that science is real and there faith that the bible is gods words. So can't christian and nonchristian gust stop getting in to fights about if they are real or not.
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Since god is god shouldn't his perception of time b different than ours? Who's to say that seven days to him isn't 4.5 billion years to us.
DillianBlake · 26-30, M
Not to everyone. Most think it's growing even faster and larger
"Most think" show me some numbers. Use a quick google search and find the truth via Pew, Gallop and other nonpartisan polling service. Sorry man, it's a sad thing because the message needs to be presented as that. There's nothing wrong with religion, it's when people try to present a story as fact is where the credibility line is crossed.
DillianBlake · 26-30, M
Too my point of veiw of crossing the line is when people preach the bible saying if you dont repent your going to hell.
Ya know... I really don't know! I'm a christian and I have no problems with different peoples scientific opinions! I just don't like it when people on both sides try to force! I love to hear theories and such whether I believe them or not.
DillianBlake · 26-30, M
Same here. I don't see why the two have drifted away from each other
The problem is that science is the wrong tool to use in relation to God. Science can only observe the physical universe, But God is not of this physical universe. So science is totally incapable of observing God. It cannot confirm or refute the existance of God.
DillianBlake · 26-30, M
But it explains things still. Religion doesn't explain why were are made like this and why earth is able to support us.
Bit science doesn't why we live but what were made
They don't, but when Christians ignore science for religion, that is when we have a problem.
DillianBlake · 26-30, M
There is one giant mess of why science is better than religion cause its fake. And why region is real and science is just human mind crap

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