You must learn to tolerate, rather than hate. For hate will only poison you from thee inside out. By no stretch of thee imagination will eye say it will be easy. But it will be well worth it, both for your health and state of mind
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Boallods · 26-30, M
Again, what'll happen in the future is debateable, and impossoble to know. We'll see.
I see... Don't you think, though, that compassion is a bad thing. Ie, not in itself, but take a look at the wider picture. Compare it to charities. Charities are good, no? But they are a sign something's wrong with out society. In a functional society, we wouldn't need it. Same with compassion. It results as a reaction to another person's suffering. I believe, though, that the constant progress of society will annihilate any possibility of suffering, thereby allowing the state, friendships, and other such social institutions, to disappear.
This, again, is only possible in TH.
I see... Don't you think, though, that compassion is a bad thing. Ie, not in itself, but take a look at the wider picture. Compare it to charities. Charities are good, no? But they are a sign something's wrong with out society. In a functional society, we wouldn't need it. Same with compassion. It results as a reaction to another person's suffering. I believe, though, that the constant progress of society will annihilate any possibility of suffering, thereby allowing the state, friendships, and other such social institutions, to disappear.
This, again, is only possible in TH.

Once again eye find my self agreeing with you. But you must admit if one has true compassion, than he/she is able to truly feel the hurt/pain another has, for what ever reason that may of caused it. Thus causing them to be both far more understanding + far kinder to thee countless others they will encounter through out there lives. Eye know it doesn't really d seem like much, but either does a pebble being tossed into a lake. Yet it's ripple a effect can very well be huge, depending on both the size of thee pebble + thee calmness of thee pond that day. Eye know eye know, now I'm the one living in a fantasy world. May eye ask, your thoughts regarding religion and how it effects how we treat those we encounter
Boallods · 26-30, M
On compassion, I, of course, agree.
On religion... Firstly, I must say up front that, today, when one wants to criticise (or even praise) religion, he doesn't know what's he criticising anymore. From one hand, you have people literally believing in Adam, Eve, and the bearded sadist (read, God). And from the other hand, you have people believing in nothing aforesaid (but God, of course, whatever may it be), people getting virtually none of their ethics from religion. In my school, I have each of the said types. The latter is free on sexuality, free on drugs (ie., believes nothing is wrong with either), free on every thing you can imagine; a guy who interpretates Bible as a work of art.
In the latter case, religion is more a matter of identity, than it is of actual belief. Family tradition, country tradition, etc, all influence him into taking the name 'christian', and yet he finds the actual christian creeeds (such as the sins) to be laughable at. Here, I'll comment only on actual belief in religious philosophical systems.
It's a delusion. Virtually all beliefs of major religions have been disproved. How it affects us? Negatively. Yes, sure, you may have more compassion here and there, more interpersonal connection. But even that has it's cost.
I assume you aren't a speaker of Serbo-Croatian? If you were, I'd recommend you the book by Dušan Nedeljković, 'Nemoralnost besmrtnosti i etička funkcija smrti.' ('Immorality of immortality and the ethical function of death') In it, the author talks on how religion was used by bourgeoisie to tame the people out of revolution and rebellion. You may find similar ideas in some Marxist authors, but of that ideology I lack knowledge.
Apart from this, there were many, many damages of religion identified by various thinkers. Consider the cycle presented by Erich Fromm in his work 'Psychoanalysis and Religion': the religious person suffers; thereby, he comes to God. God is great; thereby, the believer is unworthy. This causes him to suffer even more - and the cycle continues.
Consider, then, its antagonism towards hedonism. Christians believe that the lower, animal pleasures (hedonē) must be repressed, in other to enjoy greater pleasures. (eudaimonia) However, wasn't a research made, which found these two not only to not be two opposites, but to have the correlation of 0.94?! (Perfect correlation would be 1.)
Not even to speak of the quasi-gratification of thinking you understand the world, when you actually don't. Not even to speak of this true understanding, true power of knowledge, being taken away from you. Not to even speak of, wasting the knowledge you do have, on serving an imaginitive entity.
On religion... Firstly, I must say up front that, today, when one wants to criticise (or even praise) religion, he doesn't know what's he criticising anymore. From one hand, you have people literally believing in Adam, Eve, and the bearded sadist (read, God). And from the other hand, you have people believing in nothing aforesaid (but God, of course, whatever may it be), people getting virtually none of their ethics from religion. In my school, I have each of the said types. The latter is free on sexuality, free on drugs (ie., believes nothing is wrong with either), free on every thing you can imagine; a guy who interpretates Bible as a work of art.
In the latter case, religion is more a matter of identity, than it is of actual belief. Family tradition, country tradition, etc, all influence him into taking the name 'christian', and yet he finds the actual christian creeeds (such as the sins) to be laughable at. Here, I'll comment only on actual belief in religious philosophical systems.
It's a delusion. Virtually all beliefs of major religions have been disproved. How it affects us? Negatively. Yes, sure, you may have more compassion here and there, more interpersonal connection. But even that has it's cost.
I assume you aren't a speaker of Serbo-Croatian? If you were, I'd recommend you the book by Dušan Nedeljković, 'Nemoralnost besmrtnosti i etička funkcija smrti.' ('Immorality of immortality and the ethical function of death') In it, the author talks on how religion was used by bourgeoisie to tame the people out of revolution and rebellion. You may find similar ideas in some Marxist authors, but of that ideology I lack knowledge.
Apart from this, there were many, many damages of religion identified by various thinkers. Consider the cycle presented by Erich Fromm in his work 'Psychoanalysis and Religion': the religious person suffers; thereby, he comes to God. God is great; thereby, the believer is unworthy. This causes him to suffer even more - and the cycle continues.
Consider, then, its antagonism towards hedonism. Christians believe that the lower, animal pleasures (hedonē) must be repressed, in other to enjoy greater pleasures. (eudaimonia) However, wasn't a research made, which found these two not only to not be two opposites, but to have the correlation of 0.94?! (Perfect correlation would be 1.)
Not even to speak of the quasi-gratification of thinking you understand the world, when you actually don't. Not even to speak of this true understanding, true power of knowledge, being taken away from you. Not to even speak of, wasting the knowledge you do have, on serving an imaginitive entity.

to hate you would have to go down to their level..they aren't worth hate
Boallods · 26-30, M
What if one's compelled to act the other way around? What if fighting'd only make it worse?

standing up to things doesn't mean violence, that gets us nowhere
Boallods · 26-30, M
Noone mentioned violence. I mentioned the humans, which, individually and collectively, are a laughingstock.

hate is a really strong emotion to be in. Yes, there are people that are hateful, mean spirited and that is the only thing they know. Do you really really want to be that way? Choices to be happy in our own world or mad and crazy.