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I don't understand tattle tales and snitches?

We are raised to follow rules. If someone is not following a rule, shouldn't someone tell a person in charge? I remember as a kid I was told to follow rules and to tell the teacher if someone isn't, and yet, the teacher called me a tattle tale. It's just really confusing to me.
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Well It depends. If someone is doing something bad like someones life could be in danger than yeah. but if they're on their phone in class etc. It's their business
Faeriegrrl · 26-30, F
Okay. Thanks for chatting with me :)
Are you more concern with seeing the person get punished
No problem,see you around.
You don't tell on ppl when they don't hurt anyone with breaking the rule... Yes breaking the rule is still wrong but so is wanting to get someone else in trouble over pity things
but yet you gotta let some leeway and not tell the teacher, life is also about breaking the rules
Faeriegrrl · 26-30, F
But if rules are broken, it leads to chaos and it is difficult to maintain order. If one rule is broken, what keeps people from breaking more?
woah, deep well yes that may happen in some cases but idk
I don't believe in rules but I really don't break any and I'm probably not gonna tell on someone either
The teacher shouldn't have done that. I understand your confusion. Your trying to help but instead labled a snitch. It's best to not say anything and keep it to yourself. This way kids don't be mean to you and bully you and you don't cause your self to be friendless
Faeriegrrl · 26-30, F
Okay, that makes sense. Thanks :)
I don't think that applies today,hahaha.
Nobody likes tattle tales and snitches, not even their own kind.
Where I come from,snitching will get you very hurt, very quickly.

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