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Arius Didymus "Stoic Ethics"

I just recommended this book to someone asking me a question in a DM. I recommend it to anyone interested in self improvement or philosophy.

Arius Didymus was the court philosopher of Emperor Augustus of Rome, he was taken from teaching at the Library of Alexandria with Augustus to Rome. We lost his biography in the middle ages, but know he was listed in Diogenes Laertius because he is in the table of contents.

Three of his works survive, Stoic Ethics here exists in English with Koine Greek opposite for $23 off Amazon in paperback new, his work on Peripatetic Ethics exists in Kindle on Amazon (I paid $100 for it when new, price likely went down). His third work I can't even remember if it has been translated yet.

The one famous fact history remembers about Arius Didymus is he is the one responsible for suggesting to Emperor Augustus that he kill Julius Caeser's child with Cleopatra Caeserion. You can't have too many Caesars running around. I'm also fairly certain he is responsible for Augustus' Marital Monogamy reforms across the roman empire.

It's not the easiest read but is a good deep dive into Stoic Philosophy, and comes in small bitesize segments you can bite off and read, reread again and again. I've also used his section on stupid people extensively.
Onasander · 41-45, M
Just checked, his lesser work On Peripatetic Ethics is now available electronically via amazon kindle for $41. Just know Stoic Ethics is the superior work, and is cheaper in paperback. I did try to get the translater to put Stoic Ethics into kindle format but he is old and doesn't care.

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