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Spiritual machine: the transcendent man

Scientists say nanotechnology will augment our bodies and cure cancer even as humans connect to computers via direct neural interfaces or live full-time in virtual reality.

Our material world, as it is, is a virtual presentation of sensory detection of formless natural phenomena. Cognition is the interpretation of raw data presented on the display screen of the human mind: the output device similar to the computer monitor that displays information in pictorial or textual form.

The Buddha said that the source of suffering stems from the fathom long carcass, the human body that is vulnerable to the ravages of poverty, disease, old age, and death. Jesus pointed to another source of bodily suffering: human conflict. He told us to avoid it by turning the other cheek to end the cycle of endless wars. Today we are embroiled in the Ukraine war and the genocidal campaign in Gaza. The US is intent on destroying Russia and China.

Traditional wisdom of religion has not been effective in saving humanity. Science is the last resort. Given the choice, I would opt for transcendence and live full time in virtual reality.

What about you?
sree251 · 41-45, M
Full time in virtual reality is a better choice than suicide. If science can deliver, than we can be free from the body. God was diabolical in meting out his punishment for man's disobedience in eating the fruit of knowledge. The use of knowledge to escape that punishment is the only way out.

Man against God. Who will reign supreme?
sree251 · 41-45, M
Can science enable us to to live full time in virtual reality? Although the perceived material world is a virtual presentation, perception is not possible without the senses of sight, touch, etc.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@sree251 Sensation is the awakening of awareness. Where does sensation (sight, hearing, taste, pain, etc.) come from? The body, as the seat of sensation, is created by the mind. Both body and mind are conceptual objects of awareness which is thought: "I think, therefore, I exist".

Sensation is not created by thought. In the absence of sensation, there is no thought, no awareness. Therefore, the material world is a conceptual presentation of sensations through the action of thinking. In other words, sensation invokes thought to create the material world and me.

Sensation of the mind is a feeling (fear, joy, anger, etc.)

The transcendent man has to be a spiritual machine activated by sensation and motivated by feelings.

What is the nature of sensation, and what is the nature of feeling? And what is the nature of thought?
sree251 · 41-45, M
Man was spiritual in nature. God changed him into a corporeal being for disobedience. We must find our own way back to the spiritual realm.
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