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does identical twins have identical voices?

jason2 · M
Considering that identical twins are born with the same DNA, it is likely that they will have identical voices for the early part of their lives. However, outside factors, along with the way that their genetics change throughout their lives can alter that later on.

So, the answer to your questions is the enigmatic "sometimes, but not always."
Serenitree · F
@jason2: I'm going to yield to you on this, as I have never heard of epigenetics, but I will delve into this subject. Thank you. I am always happy to have something new to research. Nit that I go deep, but I do read enough to get an idea if it is something I might actually be able to grasp. Physics is so far out of my reach, I've given up in that, but I like reading about things I've never heard about.

Feb. 6/17
12:42 am
jason2 · M
@Serenitree: I've spent quite a bit of time myself on Wikipedia, learning about whatever catches my fancy... it's rather cool to encounter another kindred spirit.
Serenitree · F
@jason2: yes. It is. It's fun to meet someone who reads and learns, just for the joy of learning. Welcome to my world.

Feb. 6/17
12:56 am
Serenitree · F
Good question. The triplets I knew had voices so similar I couldn't tell which was speaking, but on the other hand I have two daughters who were born a year and a half apart. Once the younger one was old enough to speak without any baby talk, I had a hard time knowing who was speaking if I couldn't see them.

Feb. 5/17
10:29 pm
PinkVelvet · 26-30, F
ohhh. so they have identical voices?
Serenitree · F
@PinkVelvet: close enough that my ears couldn't detect a difference, but I'm sure one of those fancy devices we see on police shows could detect the slightest difference.

Feb. 6/17
12:37 am
PinkVelvet · 26-30, F
@Serenitree: ohhhh. okay.
AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
No my dad and uncle are twins, although their tonal range is similar they have slightly different accents and speech patterns
Teirdalin · 31-35
The two I know do.
PinkVelvet · 26-30, F
same. The ones IK do too.
LoveChild · 26-30, F
Not in my experience.
PinkVelvet · 26-30, F
so no?
tiggerandariel13 · 46-50, MVIP
I have twins
PinkVelvet · 26-30, F
PinkVelvet · 26-30, F
can you tell them apart?
PinkVelvet · 26-30, F
that sucks 😓

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