Justiceforall · M
Some grass goes to seed at 6 inches all the way up to 14 inches in some species, but letting it grow that long will let weeds grow and infest your lawn. In less it's like mine and if it wasn't for the weeds I wouldn't have a lawn lol 😂
Alabama · 100+, F
@Justiceforall bamboo is also a grass so I wonder if bamboo goes to seed too?
Justiceforall · M
@Alabama I was talking about lawn grass but from a comment below it goes to seed every 100 yrs
Broadleafplantains · 31-35, F
It depends the on the grass. Bamboo is the tallest grass in the world and it goes to seed every 100 years before it dies.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
It depends on the species and the environmental conditions.