Portia · 41-45
vey interesting question...it makes you think of all the apps that are already available...how about an app to get you out of using apps 😏
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Portia · 41-45
@navigatorTR hmm you know those apps that monitor your screen-time? I recently saw one where you maintain a rainforest...when you use your phone (increase your screen-time) trees die in your forest and the more you keep away your rainforest grows and the proceeds from this app goes to forest conservation. I thought it was nice.
navigatorTR · 41-45, M
@Portia yes it sounds cool for awareness. a sad truth similar to what you mentioned is our every google search causes some co2 emission
Portia · 41-45
@navigatorTR 😟 think along those lines
EugenieLaBorgia · F
On the internet, I don't pay for anything nor ever shall.
navigatorTR · 41-45, M
@EugenieLaBorgia oh why ? even something about your job for example ? if something would save you so much time and afford wont you consider paying maybe ?
EugenieLaBorgia · F
@navigatorTR Anything like that I find for free.
PainandPleasure · 46-50, M
An App allows me to have all apps for free.
RaemaSnr · 22-25, F
One in which can make me an outfit. Like I take pictures of my clothes then it makes a ootd for me😃
Also could be cool if I can select the style I'm going for
Also could be cool if I can select the style I'm going for
navigatorTR · 41-45, M
@RaemaSnr sounds cool. but it requires lots of afford. i am lookin for some ideas i can code myself ;) i will let you know if i steal your idea
RaemaSnr · 22-25, F
@navigatorTR aight well you'd actually be getting the idea from the movie clueless