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CheerfullyCurious · 46-50, F
Where did you read people in Africa has low IQ's. Many has never been tested - they live in rural areas.
Kembe · 36-40, M
Western tests! How can anyone predict IQ with a test that has no foundation in that culture?!! That is DUMB!
KeanuChrist · 26-30, M
Probably because there's not allot of schools.
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Mpzhr · F
Low IQs?! Who said that?!
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
Are they? Huh. From what I've seen, Africans are about as smart as anyone else, though that's in the well developed areas. Probably outside of those places there are a lot of people without access to schools and proper care, etc.
caccoon · 36-40
IQ tests are not an accurate representation of intelligence.
Mpzhr · F
People are intelligent regardless of which continent you were born in. Just because it's Africa does not mean they have 'low intelligence'.
sogdianrock · 61-69, M
hi TyeLopez
experimental bias.
You live in Africa see how long you survive!
Best wishes
experimental bias.
You live in Africa see how long you survive!
Best wishes
TheProphet · M
My guess is Africans.