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1-10 of 16
Beth35 · 36-40, F
Très belle
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scalenemaia · 36-40, F
It would have to be both me and Laura. We could play at being mittens to each others hands!
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Evilwill · 41-45, M
Mmmmm….. sexy neck
Sonuraaj2019 · 36-40, M
Gorgeous 🥰
JayneA · 36-40, F
Lovely pic, so relaxed and natural
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
always nice to be on the water enjoying the day ,, you look like you are having a grand time ,,,
PhoenixPhail · M
Did you see any whales?
scalenemaia · 36-40, F
@PhoenixPhail Several Southern Right whales, including a mother and calf. We aren't allowed to follow them, simply shut off our engines and drift, in the hope they will come and investigate the boat. (They usually do.) In this case the calf was really inquisitive and it came right up and head butted the boat a few times. We were also showered in whale spray from the Mum... through its blowhole. The tour guide called it whale snot, of course it wasn't...
scalenemaia · 36-40, F
Several Southern Right whales, including a mother and calf. We aren't allowed to follow them, simply shut off our engines and drift, in the hope they will come and investigate the boat. (The usually do.) In this case the calf was really inquisitive and it came right up and head butted the boat a few times. We were also showered in whale spray from the Mum... through its blowhole. The tour guide called it whale snot, of course it wasn't...

Did you see any whales?
Very pretty
1-10 of 16
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