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There’s curiosity in your eyes, you’ve already fallen for me.
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Gay no.
Bananaxx · 31-35
todo iorbix
JaceHerondale1552868 · 22-25, M
Gay stopcopyingMilo
Gay into you.
JaceHerondale1552868 · 22-25, M
Gay for you
s1556188 · M
I got it, you both are gay as hell just like Mercury, now get the fuck away. (?)
JaceHerondale1552868 · 22-25, M
I'm having a ball! Don't stop me now, if you wanna have a good time just give me a call
Don't stop me now I'm having such a good time(?)
JaceHerondale1552868 · 22-25, M
Stop moaning in Basil's photos

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