22-25, F
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Corporalcolleague · 61-69, M
I am a HUGE fan of RUSH...saw them several times back in the day and now follow a great RUSH tribute band in the US called "Lotus Land" check them out on youtube
rush2112 · 22-25, F
Who created this website? Some SimilarWorlds equivalent to Mark Zuckerberg?
rush2112 · 22-25, F
SimilarWorlds seems to be better than Facebook, but I must watch out for some fishy folks here.
rush2112 · 22-25, F
JackNeedsDisciplined · 22-25
Great album. You seem a bit young to be a Rush Fan
rush2112 · 22-25, F
Not lying about my age, born in 2000, Poland
JackNeedsDisciplined · 22-25
@rush2112 I believe you, just surprised