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I Am a Hopeless Romantic

Here's to us! The ones who love with everything we have even knowing we aren't getting it reciprocated. My fellow hopeless romantics who bury that part of themselves because after being beaten down and not only told but shown we were wrong for wanting this kind of love we'd rather live without a part of ourselves then to take another blow. It's much easier to be loved for the parts of you that they enjoy then to expose what time has shown you they almost certainly could not. Here's to those poor broken bastards who frantically try to find all the pieces of themselves after they've been thrown in every direction or maybe just the bigger pieces as some pieces they are destined to live without. There's an innocence about us and the love we hope for. We like to think that something pure is still in us. That dispite everything we've been through and been told that there's still a part of us that can love wholly. The part we hope we found. The one we thought we'd picked back up but maybe it fell. Maybe while reaching for another we didn't realize it and now it's not there. It doesn't feel there.

If any of you need to hear or feel this tonight. You're loved. I don't care who you are or what you've done I love you. Don't stop searching. You'll find you again I promise. If you need help I'll look with you. Under every stone and in every dark alley. We'll find our smiles together.
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melissa001 · 56-60, F
I feel ur pain.
melissa001 · 56-60, F
@Kinknugget yes, I agree.
Kinknugget · 36-40, M
@melissa001 easy as it is don't give up. It gets better. We get low but there's another high coming.
melissa001 · 56-60, F
@Kinknugget I hope so.

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