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How to comfort your girlfriend when she's sad ?

My girlfriend said she's not ready for fall it's a difficult time for her especially November it's her birthday month as well. She lost her first grandma on thanksgiving 2016 then her husband died from cancer Thanksgiving 2017 her other grandma died 10 days later it's a difficult month for her now her uncle is battling cancer lucky he's doing better. She has a daughter who's 6 she was born a month after her dad passed away in December 2017. I stepped in to help her out me and her and her husband were really close also her daughter has been calling me dad for the last few years. She doesn't even like celebrating Thanksgiving she said it's too much for her especially loosing her husband also her two grandmothers at once. She doesn't mind Halloween or Christmas she can't stand Thanksgiving she will eat the food she just doesn't like celebrating it. Also to make things worse she got bullied online around the 5 year anniversary of his death this idiot who bullied her made her loose all her friends made them betray her over one stupid opinion she feels like she's loosing everyone that's her biggest fear is being abandoned or being alone. Even when she and friend had a group chat teens would talk to her friend completely cut her out whenever she would talk they quit leave her on to read didn't even bother to check on her when she was going through a rough time because they were being manipulated apparently doing whatever that idiot told them to by ignoring her. How can I comfort her through this ?
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
Make plans to keep her mind busy. And make decisions for y'all so she don't have to think more than she's already doing. Try to not let her dwell too much, but also give her some space if she needs it. And just be there for her.
InMyPrime · 46-50, M
My sympathies to her. But it’s been a while and she needs to move on and make happy memories with her daughter. Make her look forward to future instead of living in the past
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
A shoulder to cry on, an ear for listening and a heart that’s accepting!

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