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Should Sati Be Reinstated As A Cherished Institution?

Sati, the Indian practice of women throwing themselves into their husband's funeral pyre while it is burning.

We all know the stories of spouses who die with weeks to mo ths of their partner's death from grief. But we all also know of a few ladies who go on for another 30 to 40 years seemingly fine, attending functions, maintaining friendships, socializing.

I see this alot in cemetaries. I'll go looking for the oldest graves, but along the way I'll look at mlre recent 19th and 20th century ones. I can spot the ones who really loved their husbands. They died quickly after. Then I'll see a guy long dead and the spot for his wife on the gravestone only has her date of birth. Who knows where she is buried. Or that big year gap. She really didn't love him very much now, did she? It's like that game girls play when they are kids plucking petals out of flowers saying "Forget me, forget me not".

Is it time to reinstitute Sati to bring accountability to these sort of women? Peer pressured into it by other women. If you don't do it, you get shunned. No quilting circle meetups for you? Sit alone at the cafeteria in the old folks home? These women are getting away with everything.
tamilguy · M
The fact is that there is no proof for the practice of Sati all over India.It was a practice only in Bengal region of the country whereas women from other regions lived despite their husbands' death taken care by their families.Some even remarried.And what's wrong in living after your spouse's death?Accountability is not even a question here.Even the dead husband would want his wife to be happy after his death and I don't know what is the problem you have with it.I hope that this post is a sarcastic one.
in10RjFox · M
It was based on the concept that husband is the soul and wife the body, and when the soul dies, the body is cremated.

What should have been banned is the concept of marriage, that makes wife out of humans.

It's a torture to lead life as a widow and after sati got abolished widows were made prostitutes.

And yes, it became a torture for those who couldn't due, as they were criticized as not loving the husband.

But what accountability are you talking about by reinstating?

What would be good is e-Sati .. where they are given a new identity to restart life afresh.
helenS · 36-40, F
Committing suicide because one's husband died is a mortal sin, according to Western/Christian culture.
Richard65 · M
Only if the guys have to torch themselves when the wife dies first. It's only fair...
redredred · M
Sure, life is too easy for women and becoming an orphan builds character in young children.

You need to stop drinking out of puddles and harvesting your own mushrooms.
being · 36-40, F
Not burn. Better burry alive, so they'll have time to pray for their sins.
This oughta be good 🍿

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