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The Components That Dictate Our Experiences

We all have these elements inside us that dictate what information we receive from our circumstances and also how our circumstances affect us. In this particular illustration, I will use the idea of romance. One person seeking a romantic relationship with someone can be rejected and feel no pain whatsoever because their brain is wired differently and does not experience any issue beyond a mild inconvenience. I will use myself for the next example.
One single rejection does not impact me on a grand scale but multiple rejections over time amount to a large scale of effects within my brain. Firstly, love, adoration, physical affection, connection and mutuality are the first and foremost desire of my heart; meaning that I hold them in the highest value. Secondly, I have a very image based brain; so much so that I can create entire scenarios in my head and walk among them as if they were very corporeal memories that I've already lived. Tying both of those elements together means that I have these immensely valued fantasies (for lack of a better word) whenever I meet someone that I develop an interest in. I cannot stop myself from forging these fantasies because the sad truth is that they are as close as I've ever gotten to an actual romantic experience. The hardest part of rejection, isn't the inherent rejection itself, but watching all of those fantasies get Thanosed out of existence. Watching all of those dreams turn to dust and remembering once again that I'm alone with only optimism of things one day changing is one of the hardest pills to swallow. After it happens 12 times, you get to the point where if we were to use a theme like the animated movie Inside Out; what you would find in the very centre of my mind, is a mountain of dust. All the dreams I've ever had about any woman I've had interest in all piled up into one giant mountain. The bright side, is that one day, that mountain can turn to gold in the right circumstance.
I share this look into my mind to reach out to those who have similar experiences both in the romantic department but also as far as their brains go. Some of us crave that one special person more than others. Thus it hurts us more when we are told that we don't hold the same value to someone else that they do for us. I write this post to say that you people are not alone. While you very much so may feel alone, someone shall see you for who you truly are and realise they would be lucky to be with you. I write this as much for all you people, as I write this for myself.
Take care everyone and hold on to those you love.

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