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I Wtk What Reptile Are You!!!...

You Are a Turtle You are wise, grounded, and focused.
You also have an extreme energy... an energy rare for someone so serious.

You respect the earth and truly love nature.
You wish that everyone was able to live in harmony.

The only thing you have to remember in life is to slow down and pace yourself.
You can get wound up easily over things that really don't matter much.
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I love your turtle story, sxdup!! :-) I have a pet turtle who is about 2 years old. I think I will save your story to my EP library!
Lonesurvivor · 61-69, F
Cool.....thanks, rwmjd!!!!!!!!!!!! You're always soooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Penny :-)
Lonesurvivor · 61-69, F

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