powernap · 56-60, M
Since you brought it up, I do have a couple requests first, I am in need of a jobthe second one is kind of lengthy. About a month ago I had to go to urgent care because of pain in my left heel. I was diagnosed with planto fasciitis. Now I had had a car accident in '71 and I suffer from atrophy on my left side and about a decade ago, I was diagnosed with posterior tibial tendonitis. I love walking and being outdoors, so if this gets worse, we might have a problem.
@powernap I am so sorry to hear that. That is a lot to deal with but nothing is impossible for God. I definitely will remember you in my prayers. Are the doctors helping you with those problems?
You know sometimes they hire at Walmart and they pay really good just for being a greeter. Have you thought of that option?
You know sometimes they hire at Walmart and they pay really good just for being a greeter. Have you thought of that option?
@powernap I don't know if you would be willing to try this but I always go to this one special site when I'm looking up homeopathic medicine and it has greatly helped me through the years and even save me from surgery. Here is a testimony from one lady that had that.
Selina (Morristown Tn ) on 02/24/2016:
5 out of 5 stars
A friend recommended fermented cod liver oil to me for my plantar fascitis. She swears it cured her husband and son-n-law. I took one dose and can already tell it is helping. It is absolutely disgusting to take but if it will help I'm willing to continue.
I hope it helps.
Selina (Morristown Tn ) on 02/24/2016:
5 out of 5 stars
A friend recommended fermented cod liver oil to me for my plantar fascitis. She swears it cured her husband and son-n-law. I took one dose and can already tell it is helping. It is absolutely disgusting to take but if it will help I'm willing to continue.
I hope it helps.
@powernap here are some more things to help with your PF. Testimonies....
Sara (Lansing, Michigan) on 09/02/2018:
5 out of 5 stars
Editor's Choice: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar works. Back in 2005 I developed Plantar Fasciitis. For over a year I hobbled along in pain. Finally a doctor took pity on me and showed me my x-ray. He showed me my "heel spurr" and explained it was calcium. He explained that when you do damage to your bones the body sends calcium to help heal it. A light bulb went off on my head... clearly if I could get the calcium to disperse, I could get rid of the spurr. Reading here I decided to try ACV. A small amount in water (taken via straw to protect my teeth). Within 2 weeks.. TWO WEEKS.. something that had plagued me for a year went away. Later that same year, I developed pain in my hip bone. Once again, ACV worked within a week. 10 years later I developed pain in my heel again -- this time in the other foot. I tried ACV and again, it went away within a week. I am not sure the exact mechanism but it seems that your body does the right thing by sending calcium to heal damage but then the calcium somehow gets stuck. ACV breaks it up and allows the calcium to clear.
Jennifer (St Paul, Mn ) on 07/07/2016:
5 out of 5 stars
I had been waking every morning for a few months with terrible pain in my heels and the bottom of my feet. My left foot was more painful. Sometimes after prolonged sitting at work my feet would hurt when I would stand.
I have been drinking organic "with the mother" ACV - approximately 1-2 tablespoons in 12ish ounces of water and a dash of cayenne pepper for about one week. No more pain in my feet.
Og (Florida) on 05/14/2016:
4 out of 5 stars
I definitely feel a big improvement with my Plantar Fasciitis. Started drinking 2 cap full of Organic Apple Cider mixed with a bit of juice every day for the past two weeks. I also drink Ginger tea, taking Turmeric tablets.
It seems to help reduce the pain by 70% so far. I can sleep at night and do not need to take Ibuprofen.
Joan (Traverse City, Michigan) on 02/11/2016:
5 out of 5 stars
THANK YOU SO MUCH--I almost can't believe my results!! I found the ACV suggestion two nights ago and am already feeling relief from the plantar fascitis I've had for 4 months. I use raw organic apple cider vinegar, adding 2 ounces to my pineapple/banana/strawberry yogurt smoothie every morning. I would say my symptoms are at least 50% reduced already and I have hope it'll keep going!
Maree (New Zealand) on 02/04/2016:
5 out of 5 stars
Thanks for your tip regarding using Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. I found your comment 2 weeks ago and passed this along to a fellow athlete that has had Plantar Fasciitis for months and months and it wasn't getting any better. He has been taking it now for 2 weeks and emailed me to say his foot has made a rapid improvement and has been able to go walking again. Your advice is much appreciated. Thank you.
Sara (Lansing, Michigan) on 09/02/2018:
5 out of 5 stars
Editor's Choice: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar works. Back in 2005 I developed Plantar Fasciitis. For over a year I hobbled along in pain. Finally a doctor took pity on me and showed me my x-ray. He showed me my "heel spurr" and explained it was calcium. He explained that when you do damage to your bones the body sends calcium to help heal it. A light bulb went off on my head... clearly if I could get the calcium to disperse, I could get rid of the spurr. Reading here I decided to try ACV. A small amount in water (taken via straw to protect my teeth). Within 2 weeks.. TWO WEEKS.. something that had plagued me for a year went away. Later that same year, I developed pain in my hip bone. Once again, ACV worked within a week. 10 years later I developed pain in my heel again -- this time in the other foot. I tried ACV and again, it went away within a week. I am not sure the exact mechanism but it seems that your body does the right thing by sending calcium to heal damage but then the calcium somehow gets stuck. ACV breaks it up and allows the calcium to clear.
Jennifer (St Paul, Mn ) on 07/07/2016:
5 out of 5 stars
I had been waking every morning for a few months with terrible pain in my heels and the bottom of my feet. My left foot was more painful. Sometimes after prolonged sitting at work my feet would hurt when I would stand.
I have been drinking organic "with the mother" ACV - approximately 1-2 tablespoons in 12ish ounces of water and a dash of cayenne pepper for about one week. No more pain in my feet.
Og (Florida) on 05/14/2016:
4 out of 5 stars
I definitely feel a big improvement with my Plantar Fasciitis. Started drinking 2 cap full of Organic Apple Cider mixed with a bit of juice every day for the past two weeks. I also drink Ginger tea, taking Turmeric tablets.
It seems to help reduce the pain by 70% so far. I can sleep at night and do not need to take Ibuprofen.
Joan (Traverse City, Michigan) on 02/11/2016:
5 out of 5 stars
THANK YOU SO MUCH--I almost can't believe my results!! I found the ACV suggestion two nights ago and am already feeling relief from the plantar fascitis I've had for 4 months. I use raw organic apple cider vinegar, adding 2 ounces to my pineapple/banana/strawberry yogurt smoothie every morning. I would say my symptoms are at least 50% reduced already and I have hope it'll keep going!
Maree (New Zealand) on 02/04/2016:
5 out of 5 stars
Thanks for your tip regarding using Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. I found your comment 2 weeks ago and passed this along to a fellow athlete that has had Plantar Fasciitis for months and months and it wasn't getting any better. He has been taking it now for 2 weeks and emailed me to say his foot has made a rapid improvement and has been able to go walking again. Your advice is much appreciated. Thank you.
I sure will hon. I'll send you something that I think might help you.
This message was deleted by its author.
@SW-User https://similarworlds.com/christianity/5129629-Do-not-be-overcome-by-evil-but-overcome-evil-with-good
I hope that will help. I'm certainly praying for you.
I hope that will help. I'm certainly praying for you.
This message was deleted by its author.
littlepuppywantanewlife · 31-35, M
Many things to pray for. The list is too big. But for now pray for peach and love. Also pray for poor animals who are suffering due to deforestation and lack of resources for themselves. 🙏
@littlepuppywantanewlife I think you meant peace, and yes I certainly do pray for those things. There's so many abandoned animals and people, it is so sad. So many homeless and persecuted. Those certainly are on my list. I will pray for you, in general, since you have not listed anything as far as a personal prayer for yourself.
littlepuppywantanewlife · 31-35, M
@LadyGrace Thank you. 🙏
Om2014 · 31-35, M
I was rewatching "the chosen". Is it one of those prayers they say in the series I'm curious.