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I have a prayer list. Does anyone need prayer?

If you don't wish to list it here, you can always PM me. I like to pray specifically, so if you could tell me what you need prayer for and your first name, that would really help, but if you just need a silent prayer request, that's okay too.
I sure will hon. I'll send you something that I think might help you.
level40two · 56-60, M
Since you brought it up, I do have a couple requests first, I am in need of a jobthe second one is kind of lengthy. About a month ago I had to go to urgent care because of pain in my left heel. I was diagnosed with planto fasciitis. Now I had had a car accident in '71 and I suffer from atrophy on my left side and about a decade ago, I was diagnosed with posterior tibial tendonitis. I love walking and being outdoors, so if this gets worse, we might have a problem.
@level40two I am so sorry to hear that. That is a lot to deal with but nothing is impossible for God. I definitely will remember you in my prayers. Are the doctors helping you with those problems?

You know sometimes they hire at Walmart and they pay really good just for being a greeter. Have you thought of that option?
AgoodpeasantamI · 31-35, M
Please pray for me that I'm able to forget and forgive the person that betrayed my trust. I don't want to have days of my old feelings coming back, I want to move on but they keep popping in and out of my life just when I start feeling peace
@AgoodpeasantamI https://similarworlds.com/christianity/5129629-Do-not-be-overcome-by-evil-but-overcome-evil-with-good

I hope that will help. I'm certainly praying for you.
AgoodpeasantamI · 31-35, M
@LadyGrace thank you sm💗 I will read
Many things to pray for. The list is too big. But for now pray for peach and love. Also pray for poor animals who are suffering due to deforestation and lack of resources for themselves. 🙏
@littlepuppywantanewlife I think you meant peace, and yes I certainly do pray for those things. There's so many abandoned animals and people, it is so sad. So many homeless and persecuted. Those certainly are on my list. I will pray for you, in general, since you have not listed anything as far as a personal prayer for yourself.
@LadyGrace Thank you. 🙏
Om2014 · 31-35, M
I was rewatching "the chosen". Is it one of those prayers they say in the series I'm curious.
Om2014 · 31-35, M
@LadyGrace oh my bad. 🙏
@Om2014 no honey you're fine. Anything I can pray for you for?
@LadyGrace I enjoyed that movie.

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