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KennyD1 · 70-79, M
It has been mentioned about
Water Down" the Bible and to stick to the King James Version .... I hope that Silverwings is aware that it was KING JAMES who took the original Bible and changed it to suit himself ... He left out a few chapters and Verses ... that HE didn't care for / like ....

The ORIGINAL Hebrew Bible DOES mention Lilith ... YEP it DOES ...

The Original Bible said, "No other Gods before us" ... So; we are to believe the WATERED DOWN King James Version ????

The Bible (KJV) says "In the beginning .... God CREATED Adam and Eve ... then goes on to taslk about Cain - Able etc .. so where did Mrs Cain and the Land of Nod come from ; you are skirting the issue ...

How do YOU know that Aliens are "Demons" in disguise ? " LOL .. Who tells you this ? Who told you that ? Show me youor PROOF >.... I don't think you can ..

I haven't "STRAYED" I've opened my eyes and seen the TRUTH ... and started thinking ..for myself !!

Silverwings · 61-69, F
S ~Wow in a case like this I would highly recommend a period of getting alone with God and seeking His face, how can you benefit your congregations if you are not full of faith yourself?

The bible says nothing about Lilith, so why let her trouble you?
KennyD ~ Like, The original Bible said "Thou shall have no other "Gods" before "US" ... now they have changed it to "... "Me" .. I have to wonder about that ...
S ~ Again, now that people are going to try to water down and change the word of God to suit themselves, so stick to the KJV, and all will be well.

KennyD ~Now; if there was only Adam, Eve, Can, and Able on the Earth at the time ... where did this Mrs. Cain come from ? and ..where did this Land of Nod suddenly pop up from ? THINK ..

S ~ The Word of God starts with the story of Adam & EVE, for reasons known only to God, it does not say anything about the re-populating of the earth, except to say that it happened, so quiet possibly The land of Nod was from a previous generation.
S ~ Aliens are demons in disquise
KennyD~All in all it even lends creedence to the Phalien religion / faith that "GOD" is really a group of ALIENS who created the Earth , Humans, Animals etc everything on it and in it .... nny D ~
You have strayed way too far from the faith. May God help you to find the answers you need, and restore your faith. Amen
Silverwings · 61-69, F
Return to the faith of the fathers. Let the man made institutions fall by the wayside, and get in touch with Jesus.

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