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I Am At War With Satan

I wanted to share a little of my story of what I learned about spiritual stuff this year. I was doing tarot cards and yoga. I did a few rituals. Even though I'm a Christian. I wanted to feel Jesus more. But He kept telling me it was wrong. He brought people in my life to warn me, and showed me some Bible verses, but I did it anyway. I thought if something evil happens I will stop, but nothing like that did. Because Satan wanted me to keep doing it. He doesn't want people to know he's there OR he wants people to think he's a cool guy. I got really good at the tarot cards in a short time. I learned that demons were attached to my cards, ritual items, yoga mat, these types of books, and crystals. I needed to throw them out. When I threw out the first batch, I was literally gagging, I felt like I was going to throw up, but it wasn't that bad. Once it was in the garbage I was fine, and I never did throw up. After about a month, I decided to throw out my yoga mat and these things I used for a ritual. As I was bringing them out from upstairs to downstairs, to eventually get rid of, my ears felt like i was going up into the mountains like i lost hearing and it was a weird sensation. I didn't feel scared, it was just unexplainable for that to happen, you know? And my ears were fine after I was done. I've noticed quite a lot has changed in me since changing my path.
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AlynnV · F
I've had a similar experience. A few years ago I had bought a deck of tarot cards (I was never very good ha) but after I bought them I started to see things and I'd wake up hearing laughter in my house(the voice was scary) eventually I tossed them. Fast forward some years and I had gone to a cemetery to just sit and relax, I know, weird. Anyway, when I was leaving I had a strange feeling like something was with me. I told it to stay and went home but felt it the whole time. What happened for the next few weeks will haunt me forever. I started seeing things at night, demonic things, one huge shadowy figure stood at my bedroom door, watching me with red eyes, In my sleepiness I thought he was my bf at the time, i told him to come lay down. He didn't, just looked at me then walked off towards my living room. I slept with every light on in my house after that for days! But it only got worse! I'd wake up seeing giant spiders crawling all over my walls, huge flashes of light, and hearing voices. I eventually started sleeping with my Bible in my bed and it all stopped!!! But one night, I woke up and there was this thing, demon, sitting at the end of my bed, with the hugest grin on his face and crazy sharp teeth. I grabbed my Bible and told him to get back in the name of Jesus! And that was the last time they bothered me. I get scared just thinking of it but it doesn't last long because I know my King is mightier than the enemy and he will protect me. I'm glad you got rid of those things, a lot of people think it's all jokes. God Bless.
@AlynnV: yeah. that makes me mad that he would scare you like that. or that they scare people in general.
@AlynnV: not jokes, they bring enlightenment. Perhaps some spirit followed you a demon or something, but it has nothing to do with tarot. I've known readers using the cards for 30+ years and they are good people no witches no demons.
@Calipri: i agree. they are very nice people who only want to help others, but God says we aren't supposed to do divination.
How odd. I've been reading my cards for about 8 years and nothing has really happened. If fact they bring great insight in my my life. And there is nothing bad because it's like a friend advice. No demons or anything. Just intuition, and studying them for hours and hours. They just show me reality in a deeper level.
@Calipri: yes that was it for me, but when you throw all your cards away thats when the shit hits the fan so to speak
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@lechatnoir: no he doesn't.

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