This is a response that I copied and pasted that I replied to another users post, it's my own response based on
2 Timothy 3:16-17
New International Version
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
saintsong · 41-45, F
I learned through a supernatural experience that all scripture was God breathed....Taking both old and new words of scripture to the heart of my everything! It's a long story, but my husband was lost doing drugs bad drugs, and I had just had a baby, our daughter, I cried out to Jesus Christ and felt like He was holding me in His arms, like I was crying on His shoulder....Then that night I was listening to a Christian Youth Call in Show, and a teen said "There is a young lady who just wishes that someone would just touch her and view her as a gift!" This touched me so much it's exactly how I felt, about someone in my past...About my husband, about the members in my church....And there was this invisible hand touching me, but I didn't know that it was the Hand Of the Lord touching me, so I refused to be comforted until I knew for sure it was of God! Now, I just want the Hand of The Lord to Touch me, and I know that God see's me, He makes movies about my life, what's in my heart, the weak things, the foolish things and so on...I want God to view me as a gift, who else do I think I am God's gift to man?? Ha ha ha no! I do give of myself, but ultimately I want God to view me as a gift to Him, I will do whatever it takes, I love Him! Then there was another caller who said..."Inner beauty comes from a calm and gentle spirit!!! This also rang so true for as in my past I was in love but I was like a clashing cymbal, I couldn't catch my breath I was scared and in love and it didn't work out for me, because demons were forcing me to fight a loosing battle...If only I had a calm and gentle spirit, instead of a demon...Which God did give me when I would relate these words of the children to my husband...Which is where all scripture is God breathed came true for me... I saw a bright Light my husband was home from one of his weeks away and I felt a strong sense of Power come over me, and as I spoke what the youths from the radio said to my husband, I grabbed my throat because the words came out super softly and yet overwhelmingly powerful like God breathed! Old testament, and new testament words were spoken in truth, for my past, to my husband, and to God Himself! Then another youth called in and said "He who is without sin cast the first stone!!!" Well who was I to cast stones at my husband when in my past I fell in love with a total stranger and lost my way....Plus only Jesus Himself is without sin, so those who cast stones at me for watching the movies of my life have no right, because they are just as guilty!!! So I turn to Jesus whom I know will never condemn me... Then the last youth called in and said "Those who call upon the Lord, He will show them great and mighty things, that of which you did not know!" So true, so true!!! All of these words I heard the youth say were true to my every circumstance, fitting for my past, fitting for my husband, and fitting towards God Himself which is where I am at now...But when I spoke what I heard the youths say on that Christian call in show, like I said I saw a light, grabbed my throat, and the words came out powerfully yet soft like they were God breathed...And then I read that scripture that you had just posted and was like YESSSSS! Oh yeah my husband quit doing drugs that night he said you know you almost have me convinced, and I just told him that I just repeated what the youths had said over the radio...Ye though I speak in tongues of men and tongues of Angels but have not Love I have nothing!!!!
New International Version
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
saintsong · 41-45, F
I learned through a supernatural experience that all scripture was God breathed....Taking both old and new words of scripture to the heart of my everything! It's a long story, but my husband was lost doing drugs bad drugs, and I had just had a baby, our daughter, I cried out to Jesus Christ and felt like He was holding me in His arms, like I was crying on His shoulder....Then that night I was listening to a Christian Youth Call in Show, and a teen said "There is a young lady who just wishes that someone would just touch her and view her as a gift!" This touched me so much it's exactly how I felt, about someone in my past...About my husband, about the members in my church....And there was this invisible hand touching me, but I didn't know that it was the Hand Of the Lord touching me, so I refused to be comforted until I knew for sure it was of God! Now, I just want the Hand of The Lord to Touch me, and I know that God see's me, He makes movies about my life, what's in my heart, the weak things, the foolish things and so on...I want God to view me as a gift, who else do I think I am God's gift to man?? Ha ha ha no! I do give of myself, but ultimately I want God to view me as a gift to Him, I will do whatever it takes, I love Him! Then there was another caller who said..."Inner beauty comes from a calm and gentle spirit!!! This also rang so true for as in my past I was in love but I was like a clashing cymbal, I couldn't catch my breath I was scared and in love and it didn't work out for me, because demons were forcing me to fight a loosing battle...If only I had a calm and gentle spirit, instead of a demon...Which God did give me when I would relate these words of the children to my husband...Which is where all scripture is God breathed came true for me... I saw a bright Light my husband was home from one of his weeks away and I felt a strong sense of Power come over me, and as I spoke what the youths from the radio said to my husband, I grabbed my throat because the words came out super softly and yet overwhelmingly powerful like God breathed! Old testament, and new testament words were spoken in truth, for my past, to my husband, and to God Himself! Then another youth called in and said "He who is without sin cast the first stone!!!" Well who was I to cast stones at my husband when in my past I fell in love with a total stranger and lost my way....Plus only Jesus Himself is without sin, so those who cast stones at me for watching the movies of my life have no right, because they are just as guilty!!! So I turn to Jesus whom I know will never condemn me... Then the last youth called in and said "Those who call upon the Lord, He will show them great and mighty things, that of which you did not know!" So true, so true!!! All of these words I heard the youth say were true to my every circumstance, fitting for my past, fitting for my husband, and fitting towards God Himself which is where I am at now...But when I spoke what I heard the youths say on that Christian call in show, like I said I saw a light, grabbed my throat, and the words came out powerfully yet soft like they were God breathed...And then I read that scripture that you had just posted and was like YESSSSS! Oh yeah my husband quit doing drugs that night he said you know you almost have me convinced, and I just told him that I just repeated what the youths had said over the radio...Ye though I speak in tongues of men and tongues of Angels but have not Love I have nothing!!!!