Scido Amafreikis was my previous name
scido amafreikis; it was only a few posts because yahoo answers closed, then i posted on quora, then came back here only to be shadow-banned on my questions; so, i just copy-paste into youtube lives if it's not censored; i mainly copy-paste:
"the antichrist's mark-of-the-beasting equipment is on the back of his right wrist and he tries to mark-of-the-beast your right wrist with barcode during handshake when he pretends to be a cop

or "phone will send lightning strike into your heart if you don't worship the antichrist "....
i'm on duolingo too pretending to know all the languages; all my 3 accounts (here, duo, youtube) have the same name "ToddpicogramakaSatan or /@Toddpicogram-aka-Satan";
i've been to pre-insane asylum 3 times (2 times for preaching to jews on the street and 1 time self-check-in for being satan)
"the antichrist's mark-of-the-beasting equipment is on the back of his right wrist and he tries to mark-of-the-beast your right wrist with barcode during handshake when he pretends to be a cop

or "phone will send lightning strike into your heart if you don't worship the antichrist "....
i'm on duolingo too pretending to know all the languages; all my 3 accounts (here, duo, youtube) have the same name "ToddpicogramakaSatan or /@Toddpicogram-aka-Satan";
i've been to pre-insane asylum 3 times (2 times for preaching to jews on the street and 1 time self-check-in for being satan)