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In our world, filled with an abundance of tasks, challenges and constant rush, often immersed in everyday life, we can easily forget about the presence of God in our lives. Our minds and hearts are occupied with worries, plans and the ordinary things of everyday life. We often forget that there is something greater, something that guides our destiny and gives meaning to our existence. Believing in God, we should be aware that His action is real and affects our lives in extraordinary ways. God is not an abstract concept or a historical figure described long ago. He is a living presence that touches our hearts and works in our lives in ways that are often difficult to explain. In this Video, we would like to share with you six amazing signs that indicate that God is at work in our lives. These signs are like His fingerprints, indicating His closeness and concern for our salvation. Of course, there are many such signs, some of which we have explained in previous videos, which we cordially invite you to watch. Links to these characters can be found in the description under the video.

In moments when we are very determined to change our lives and ourselves for the better, we can see one of the signs of God's presence in our lives. As Christians, we believe that God is the Creator of our lives and that He Himself is our greatest guide. When we feel the need to change, it is often the result of God working in our hearts. Not only is God interested in our lives, but He wants us to be happy, joyful, and reach our full potential. The deep determination that arises within us is like the spark that God sends on our path. This is the moment when we begin to see that we are not doomed to stagnation and unhappiness, but we have the power to change and develop. This determination is our response to God's call to change. When We are determined to change for the better, God is present in our lives in many different ways.

First, it gives us strength and support to take these difficult steps towards change. He does not leave us alone, but leads us by the hand, step by step, so that we can achieve our goals. Remember that determination is not easy. Sometimes we encounter obstacles that make us want to give up. However, God is with us to support us and give us strength in these difficult times. . He is our strong foundation upon which we can build our changes and grow as children of God. The second aspect of God's presence in our determination to change is the transformation that takes place within us. God not only helps us take specific actions, but also works in our hearts, transforming our thoughts, desires and attitudes. It is He who makes us desire goodness, love, forgiveness and service. When we are determined to change for the better, we begin to see that we need God's power and grace to overcome our weaknesses, habits, and difficulties. Alone, we often encounter limitations that make it difficult for us to achieve the desired changes. However, God is our reliable ally who promises us his
support and infinite resources of power. God not only gives us the power to overcome our weaknesses, but also guides us in the path of truth and wisdom.
His presence in our lives gives us direction and guidance so that we can make wise decisions and choose paths that lead to our good. His wisdom and light illuminate our path and help us avoid traps and delusions. However, this does not mean that our determination and effort become redundant. God does not work for us, but with us. He wants us to trust Him and engage in the process of change. It is our attitude, effort and perseverance that are important, but let us always remember that God is our strength and source of inspiration. Let us remember that our determination is not a matter of willpower, but of a deep relationship with God. It is He who gives us the power and inspiration to overcome all obstacles and develop for the better. Therefore, it is undoubtedly a sign of God's presence. Our path to transformation can be difficult, which is why other people become the second sign of God's presence in our lives.

People that God sends to help us change for the better. Whether they are friends, family members, mentors or complete strangers, their appearance can be a second sign of God's presence in our lives. In Christianity, we believe that God is omniscient and knows our needs perfectly. He sees our weaknesses, our desires and our dreams. In His immeasurable love and wisdom, God sends us the right people at the right time to help us. These people can be instruments with which God touches our lives and guides us on the path of transformation. We often don't realize the deep meaning these people have in our lives until we look back and see how much they changed us.
They can be people who accompany us throughout our lives, but also those who appear only for a moment to teach us an important lesson or help us in difficult moments. In their presence and through their dedication, we can experience love, wisdom, support and inspiration that lead us to a better and more complete life.

Sometimes people sent by God can come into our lives when we are in greatest need. This can be in difficult situations when we feel helpless or hurt. God, in His grace and love, sends us people who can comfort us, support us and help us see life from a new perspective. It is worth noting that God works in our lives in a precise and organized way. Sending the right people at the right time is evidence of His care and love for us.

He knows what our needs are and when we need support to get through difficulties and grow spiritually. Even if we don't see this connection sometimes, God is a master of harmony, and the people we meet are part of a greater plan that He has for us. When God begins to work in our lives and lead us on the path of transformation, not only do we feel these changes, but also others begin to see the difference in our behavior, attitude and relationships. This is the third sign of God's presence in our lives - when people around us notice that we are already different. Our relationships with others are one of the most important areas where God's presence can be perceived. This can be our family, friends, co-workers or other people who have regular contact with us.

When God works in our lives, people notice that we are more loving, respectful, humble, kind, and kind. Our family may notice that we no longer react with the same anger or impatience, but we show them more understanding and compassion. We can become better spouses, parents or children who know how to listen, support and show
unconditional love. In our relationships with others, we may also notice a greater openness to forgiveness, conflict resolution, and harmony building. Our friends may notice that we are more genuine and genuine in our behavior. Our attitude can inspire them to be better people and to discover the deeper meaning of life. We can show more care and support, listen more attentively, and be present in difficult times.

Our associates may notice that we are more responsible, honest and loyal in our work. Our ethical and moral values ​​become visible in our decisions and actions. We are ready to work for the good of others, giving the best of ourselves. What is even more important is how these changes affect our interior and our relationship with God. When others see our transformation, it becomes a confirmation that God's work in our lives is real and visible to the world around us. This revives our faith and gives us the certainty that God is present and active in our lives. It is important to remain humble and remember that God is at work in our lives. He is the main agent of transformation. We are only tools in His hands.

Therefore, in our transformation, we should not boast or seek recognition. Our goal should be to give glory to God and thank Him for His work in our lives.
Many people are looking for true joy and fulfillment in various aspects of life - in career, relationships, success or material wealth. But true and lasting joy is found in our relationship with God. This is the fourth sign of God's presence in our lives - when we experience the joy that He walks with us through life. What is this joy really? It is not a momentary excitement or a fleeting feeling that depends on the circumstances. It is a deep sense of fulfillment and completeness that comes from our closeness to God and the awareness of His love for us. This joy does not depend on external circumstances, but is the fruit of our relationship with God, which transcends all obstacles and difficulties. When we enjoy having God walk with us through life, it means we are putting Him first.
Our relationship with Him is paramount, and we constantly yearn for His presence. Whether we are in a moment of success or failure, our joy comes from knowing that God is with us and guiding our steps.

Many saints and martyrs throughout the centuries have experienced this joy, even in the face of the greatest trials and sufferings. Their joy did not come from external circumstances, but from a close relationship with God. Looking at their lives, we see that they were able to maintain inner joy because their hearts were fully committed to God and trusted in His leading. We can also experience this joy in our daily lives. It's not that we're always smiling or that we don't have any difficulties. This joy is deeper and stronger. This is the joy that comes from knowing that God is with us in all circumstances.

This is the joy that comes from trusting and believing in His goodness and wisdom. In our lives, we often look for our true purpose and meaning where we cannot find it. The true meaning and purpose of life is to know our identity in Christ. This is the fifth sign of God's presence in our lives -

when we discover who we are in Jesus, our purpose becomes clear: to do God's will and give glory to God in everything we do. As we come to know our identity in Christ, we discover that we are not random beings pushed into this meaningless world. We are God's creation, created and loved by Him. Jesus Christ gave His life for our salvation so that we could be redeemed and accepted into God's family. In Him we find our true identity and value. When we know our identity in Christ, we become God's children and heirs of His promises.

We discover that we are destined for greater things. Our purpose is not self-fulfilment or satisfying our own desires, but to fulfill God's will in our lives. We are called to be a light for others, to preach the Gospel of love and mercy and to do good. As we discover our identity in Christ, our purpose becomes clear. We are no longer uncoordinated pieces of a puzzle, but we have complete perspective and direction. Our goal is to do the will of God and give Him glory in everything we do. Regardless of our field of work, our role in our family or community, we can glorify God by being His witnesses. We can show His love, truth, and justice in our daily lives.

When we accept our identity in Christ, everything we do becomes our way of giving glory to God. Our works, talents, relationships, and service become the tools through which we can bring glory to God. Whether something is big or small, important or seemingly insignificant, all of it can serve as a testimony of our faith and devotion to God. Wandering through life, we are often exposed to various challenges and difficulties. Sometimes we feel lonely, helpless and unsure how to cope with everyday demands and needs. But then we see the sixth sign of God's presence in our lives - His ability to supply us with everything we need wherever we are. God is not only the Creator of the universe, but also our heavenly Father who cares for our needs with care and love.

All power and wealth is in His hands, and He willingly provides what we need. Whether it's material goods, spiritual support, emotional comfort, or spiritual strength, God is ready to provide it all in His perfect time. As we look at our lives, we see numerous examples of God's provision. It can be an abundance of material goods that we need to meet basic needs, such as food, shelter and clothing. We often experience His goodness through people who share their wealth and support with us. It is God who works through the hearts of people to provide us with what we need.

But God's provision is not limited to material goods. God also provides us with spiritual support, wisdom, and encouragement in our journey of faith. Through the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, we receive the wisdom, strength, and purification that are necessary to face the difficulties and challenges of life. God is our Comforter who surrounds us with his presence and gives us peace even in the most difficult moments. The key to experiencing God's provision is trust and faith in His promises. Jesus encouraged his disciples to pay attention to the birds in the sky and the lilies in the field that God provides for their needs.

He said: "So don't worry too much and don't say what we're going to eat, what we're going to drink, what we're going to wear, because the pagans care about all these things. After all, your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. God knows our needs and is ready but that does not mean that we will be without trials and difficulties. Sometimes God places us in situations where we must rely on His provision. It is in those moments that we experience God working in extraordinary ways to meet our needs. God works in many different ways to show that He is our dependable supply,
therefore it is important to be open to the action of God and trust Him in every situation, whether we have our hands full and abundance, or we are in need and expect help, God is ready to provide us with what we need.

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