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Israel is losing support.

I went to a Bible study last night and there is a fellow there who was a rabid Israel supporter. His family sheltered Jews in Holland during WWII and he is a dispensationalist and believes that the establishment of Israel and the building of the third temple means the end is here. Last night he prayed for peace in the Middle East even if it meant the elimination of Israel. We had not been discussing Israel at all in the Bible study and no one else had even mentioned Israel during the study or prayer. If a man like him can offer such a a prayer you know that Israel has lost a lot of support. Yes it is only one man but that one man represents a whole group of people and if he has changed it is more than likely that many many others have too.
Confined · 56-60, M
In the Fog of war, believe nothing you are told.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@akindheart if you are reading the Israeli controlled media aka the MSM the yes that is what you are given to understand. Sadly that is not the case.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@hippyjoe1955 nope. i don't watch fake news.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@akindheart I don't either. However I do keep up to date on what is going on in Israel. Israel is not doing very well. Even Bibi was given the cold shoulder in Congress yesterday. Something almost unheard of previously.
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