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The Christian prediction of the attack on Donald Trump was two years ago

According to the 2022 News to Polish Christians,
There was supposed to be an attack on the leader from the USA first, and then the death of someone else, two events, and after the second one, 3 world wars should start right away and rockets will fly ..

SDavis · 56-60, F
Well the attack on Trump has happened.

Let's see if someone of importance dies within the next year. Actually the attempted assassination on Trump maybe why Biden decided to drop out the race - fear that some trumpster may try to assassinate him and possibly succeed

And as far as world war III, considering what Russia and Israel are doing and their the type of allies each have, it is possible world war III could start. Communist countries versus Democracy. Now where will the US stand if something like that is should happen _ will this still be a democracy or will there be a dictator in charge?
Please stop this nonsense
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