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Should i continue supporting Ligonier Ministries?

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This is the thing theologian RC Sproul began, a great place for those who care about Reformed theology, couple months back i was using their resources quite a bit, and decided to do the monthly support, they sent a big leather-like bible here too which goes for about 80 or so dollars, i gave it to dad when it came cuz by then i was already in another phase, but after 2 months of running out of funds and them contacting me about it, i feel that it's hypocritical to support something that seeks to inspire your own actual lifestyle, and i only see it as a head knowledge thing, obeying and living by these things are just not possible for me, so should i discontinue my support or keep it up?
Do what you can afford. Ligonier are a great, Biblically sound ministry.
@Jarffff A pastor of my Wednesday Bible Study church usually sends them- those small talks by Sinclair Ferguson
Jarffff · 46-50
@BritishFailedAesthetic I learned about The Marrow Controversy through Sinclair, he's got a great accent.
@Jarffff Proper Scottish!

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