Gnostic creation myth is madness...
The one true God or ultimate reality begot several eminations from thought. One of them was divine feminine wisdom (sophia) who thought about the source or true God (as in literally contemplated it), but did so apart from her husband, which somehow gave birth to an Diety named Yaldaboath, who wanted to be the only true God, so created the material world and lied to us to make us think he was the only. Then sophia came as the serpent (who is also likened to christ) to help us gain kniowledge from the garden of eden.
This story is insaane. Like, what? I don't know what to even make of it. Sounds like some shit I would think of when I'm on an Ungodly dosage of a psychedelic.
This story is insaane. Like, what? I don't know what to even make of it. Sounds like some shit I would think of when I'm on an Ungodly dosage of a psychedelic.